environmental techiniques in the Amazon region
term Permaculture is formed by a simple coalition between two words:
permanent and agriculture. Permaculture is a design system for creating
sustainable human environments that are ecological-sound and economically
viable. Permaculture was developed to foster a necessary transformation
from the predatory models of conventional agriculture (including
slash and burn) to productive integrated systems that are sustainable
and permanent, thus preserving our natural systems. The planning
and development of a Permaculture project uses ecological design
as a tool to re-create productive natural ecosystems that have fertility,
diversity, stability and resistance. With Permaculture it is posible
to create a productive human settlement without destroying the surrounding
ecosystems. By uniting age-old knowledge with modern scientific
discoveries is possible to develop rural properties that are productive,
viable and secure for the farmer. The basic principles of Permaculture
can be applied with excellence in the tropics or in any other biome
in Brazil, creating adequate social and environmental solutions
for the country. |